EPH's logo on a white background.

Case Management

Guiding Families

The Path to Self-Sufficiency

Case management is a collaborative process used to evaluate, plan, and coordinate goals for achieving life-changing outcomes. 

Ecumenical Partnership for Housing case managers meet with families on a weekly basis to set and review progress on goals related to self-sufficiency. Case managers encourage families and ensure they have the tools and resources necessary to reach their goals. Walking alongside and guiding families on their path to self-sufficiency is one of the most essential services that is offered by EPH. 

Case Management Areas of Focus

Family Well-being

Financial Stability

Housing Security

Home Care



The Case Manager

Many times, the case manager may be the only constant and reliable connection in the life of a family. That relationship is the pillar of support they can rely on that will guide them beyond the barriers that hold them back from achieving their goals.

Together, we can offer a viable path toward self-sufficiency.

A yellow sun with the words 2023 's impact on it

Case Management

impact in numbers





77% of families served in our housing programs were single parent households.

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